Feng Shui Tip | What can I do this September to improve the flow of energy in my home?

The following is a tip from Feng Shui Specialist Sam Plovie of QiPro Sam.

September is the perfect month to declutter and reorganize your home and home office to create a more positive environment according to Feng Shui principles. Removing the clutter not only creates a space that is visually more attractive, but it also helps make decision-making easier and aids in the circulation of energy in the body, mind and spirit. When following Feng Shui principles, it is important to keep your living and work spaces neat and organized in order to ensure that energy is flowing freely. Removing the clutter in the month of September is not only a great way to start fresh and make room for new possibilities, but it is also essential for establishing a positive and harmonious environment.

About Sam

QiPro Sam is a much sought after classically trained Feng Shui Specialist who has been in business for over 12 years. She assists clients with their real estate transactions to align their investments with their personal goals and ensure financial security, health, and family wellbeing. Schooled in the Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics, Sam is a Master of Feng Shui & Chinese Astrology and enjoys sharing her knowledge to empower others. She works with clients globally and offers student coaching to aspiring consultants. Her commitment to excellence has earned her the respect of colleagues in her industry and cultivated a loyal clientele. She looks forward to helping more people align their lives so they can experience a life of prosperity and abundance.

Kari MacLeod

At the core of Kari's professional ethos is a dedicated focus on delivering exceptional client experiences, encapsulated by her corporate philosophy: "Your property is my priority."

Having navigated 12 relocations across four countries, Kari is well-acquainted with the challenges associated with buying, selling, and moving properties. She wholeheartedly commits to comprehending her clients' needs throughout the entire real estate process, ensuring a seamless transition.

With a discerning eye for some of the Province’s most notable properties, she revels in the challenge of marketing the extraordinary while consistently striving to provide all clients with the utmost attention and expertise. Kari has achieved a couple of record-breaking sales, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to excellence.

Leveraging her background in corporate communications within the mineral resource sector and her formal training as a fashion designer, Kari approaches real estate with a blend of creativity and adept problem-solving. Kari's infectious positive outlook contributes to her success in building meaningful connections.

Having relocated to Nova Scotia from Victoria, BC, in 2007 with her husband and twin daughters, Kari attests that the province has captured her heart. Residing in Newport Landing, her family has discovered their forever home in a charming historic riverside property.


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